Style Guide

The perfect template to dial in your theme settings.


You have the ability to have different typography settings for your website and landing pages which is what you see below. You can also control your blog posts typography seperately in the theme settings.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5
Heading 6

Morbi ultricies, this is a text link nibh quis tincidunt scelerisque, magna purus malesuada erat, feugiat semper urna lectus at sapien. Maecenas ornare, metus ut mattis vehicula, nulla nulla efficitur lacus, vitae congue nisi nibh eget massa. Sed nec pharetra mauris, ac volutpat metus. Praesent sed enim mollis, tincidunt orci sit amet, mattis risus.

  • Bullet Point
  • Bullet Point
  • Bullet Point
  1. Bullet Point
  2. Bullet Point
  3. Bullet Point
In sit amet massa sed dolor tempor mattis id et tellus.

You can set a global default color for icons and will also have control in each module to select a specifc color if needed.

CTAs & Standard Buttons

You can set up various button styles to create a visual hierarchy. Pro-top: Make the Primary button pop the most.

Modal Popup

Modals pop-ups are features of various modules. You can give them global style.

Modal Popup

Create a form that has input fields, dropdowns, checkboxes, and everything. Then style it here.